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How Long Do Dental Crowns Last? Tips for Maintaining Durability

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last

When your dentist recommends you get a dental crown for your missing teeth, you might immediately wonder, “How long do dental crowns last?” 

Dentists use crowns to repair broken, weak, or decayed teeth, and several factors contribute to dental crowns’ longevity.

While people think about the factors influencing the lifespan of crowns, it’s also necessary to have knowledge about the methods through which you can increase the longevity of tooth crowns.

Continue reading to know why you should get dental crowns, their types, functions, which crown is most durable, their lifespan, and how to increase the longevity of your tooth crowns.

When Does Your Dentist Suggest You Get A Dental Crown?

dental crowns

Dental crowns serve multiple purposes, addressing various dental issues. Here are some situations where you may require a dental crown:

Strengthening a Weak Tooth

A dental crown can reinforce a weak tooth, providing it with the necessary strength and stability.

Protecting & Supporting a Cracked Tooth

A dental crown can act as a protective barrier, limiting further damage and giving support if you have a damaged tooth.

Restoring a Worn-Down or Broken Tooth

Dental crowns are used to repair worn or fractured teeth, restoring their shape, function, and look.

Holding a Dental Bridge in Place

Dental crowns anchor dental bridges securely, filling the gaps left by missing teeth and restoring proper bite alignment.

Covering a Severely Stained or Discolored Tooth

Dental crowns can effectively cover teeth that are severely stained or discolored, improving their appearance and restoring a natural-looking smile.

Covering a Root Canal-Treated Tooth

After root canal procedure dental crown is used to safeguard the treated tooth from additional harm and to restore its functioning.

Covering a Dental Implant

Dental implants replace missing teeth and are topped with crowns to provide a durable, natural-looking replacement tooth.

What are the Various Types of Dental Crowns?

Types of Dental Crowns

Various types of dental crowns are available, each with unique characteristics and suitability based on personal preferences and oral health needs. Here are some common types of dental crowns:

Metal Crowns

Dental technicians utilize metals like gold, palladium, nickel, and chromium to create metal crowns. These crowns are exceptionally durable, resistant to chipping or breaking, and can withstand biting and chewing forces. However, their metallic color makes them more suitable for molars that are not easily visible.

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns

PFM crowns have the strength of metal with the natural appearance of porcelain. Dentists can match the shade of these crowns to your existing teeth. While durable, the porcelain coating may chip over time, revealing the underlying metal. PFM crowns may also cause slight wear on the opposing teeth.

Pressed Ceramic Crowns

Pressed ceramic crowns have a firm inner core that is similar to PFM crowns but without metal. They are often utilized on front and back teeth and simulate the translucency of natural tooth enamel. The layers of ceramic, like PFM crowns, can chip over time.

All-Ceramic or Porcelain Crowns

These crowns provide the closest resemblance to natural tooth enamel. They are a popular choice, especially for individuals with metal allergies. Materials like zirconium dioxide are used to create highly durable all-ceramic crowns that can withstand significant forces without causing excessive wear on opposing teeth.

Same-Day Dental Crowns

Using CAD/CAM technology, dentists can create crowns in their offices while you wait. This technology allows for digital impressions and custom crown design, followed by milling the crown from a solid block of ceramic. Same-day crowns offer the advantage of convenience, providing a crown in a single office visit.

All-Resin Crowns

Resin crowns are more affordable but less durable than other types. They are commonly used as temporary crowns and typically last three to five years.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last

If others have informed you that you grind or clench your teeth, it’s important to note that restorative dental work in your mouth may have a shorter lifespan. Your oral hygiene habits and eating patterns can contribute to wear and tear on your teeth.

Maintaining proper oral hygiene practices and using a night guard while sleeping can significantly increase the lifespan of your dental crown. The placement of the crown within your mouth also plays a role in its longevity. While some crowns can last a lifetime, others may be prone to cracking and require replacement.

How Long Do Various Types of Dental Crowns Last?

Type of Dental Crown Lifespan
Metal Crowns 15-20 years or longer
Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal 10-15 years
Pressed Ceramic Crowns 10-15 years
All-Ceramic or Porcelain 10-15 years
Zirconia Crowns 10-15 years or longer
Same-Day Dental Crowns 5-10 years
All-Resin Crowns 5-7 years

How Long Do Crowns On Front Teeth Last?

Dental porcelain crowns applied to front teeth typically last a minimum of 15 years, with some lasting up to 30 years. Insurance companies generally cover the replacement of dental crowns after 5 years from the initial installation. With proper installation and diligent care, front tooth crowns can potentially last a lifetime.

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Dental Crowns

There are several other factors affecting the lifespan of dental crowns.  

Bad Habits

Avoid habits like teeth grinding or clenching, as they can damage your teeth and compromise the integrity of the crown. Using a night guard can provide valuable protection. Additionally, refrain from biting down on hard substances like ice or hard candies to prevent potential crown damage.

Oral Hygiene

Maintain a diligent oral care routine to preserve your crown. Neglecting proper oral hygiene or failing to clean thoroughly can lead to premature crown failure. Remember that decay can develop in the natural tooth structure beneath the crown, so all teeth require regular care.

Materials Used

Dental crowns made of metal are generally more durable than porcelain or ceramic. Porcelain crowns are often preferred for aesthetic reasons, especially for front teeth, as they closely resemble natural tooth appearance.

Is There Any Difference Between Tooth Caps & Crowns?

Frequently, people come across terms like ‘dental crowns’ or ‘dental caps’ and wonder if there is any distinction between the two. To clarify, it’s important to understand that a dental crown and a dental cap are synonymous terms with no difference between them.

How to Increase Longevity of Dental Crowns

Following these guidelines is essential to ensure the longevity of your dental crown:

Avoid Teeth Clenching or Grinding

Excessive force on your crown can lead to chipping or cracking. If you have a tendency to clench or grind, wearing a custom-made night guard while sleeping is recommended. This will protect both your crowns and natural teeth.

Maintain Good Dental Hygiene

Practice thorough dental hygiene routines, including brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily. Pay special attention to the area around the crown, especially the gum line, to protect it from decay.

Avoid Chewing on Hard Objects

Avoid biting your fingernails or regularly chewing on ice, hard candy, or other hard objects. Such habits can cause damage to both crowns and natural teeth.

Attend Regular Dental Checkups & Cleanings

Schedule routine dental appointments for professional cleanings and checkups. During these visits, your dentist will examine your crown for any signs of decay, trauma, or gaps between the tooth and the crown.

What Foods to Avoid After Getting a Crown

To protect your dental crown, avoiding crunchy and sticky foods that can chip, break, or dislodge the restoration is important. Stay away from seeds, nuts, pretzels, steak, candies, popcorn, uncooked popcorn kernels, and chewing on ice.

Opt for cooked vegetables instead of raw ones as they are softer and less likely to harm the dental crown. Maintaining the durability and stability of your crown by being conscious of your eating choices will assist ensure its continuing operation.

How Long After Getting a Tooth Crown Can I Eat?

In addition to avoiding certain foods, it is important to wait for the anesthesia to wear off before consuming soft foods following a dental crown procedure. This is because the tooth and gums involved may remain tender, and the lingering effects of anesthesia can increase the risk of accidentally biting the cheeks or lips while eating too soon after crown placement.

It is advisable to wait until your mouth feels normal again before resuming eating. Typically, this waiting period can range from 45 minutes to a couple of hours. Taking this precaution will ensure a comfortable and safe recovery after your dental crown procedure.

Can I Bite an Apple with Crowns?

Biting into apples with dental crowns should not be difficult if the restoration is well-done. Crowns restore tooth functionality, enabling you to enjoy your preferred foods. However, it is safer to cut the fruit or bite it from the natural tooth side rather than the crowned tooth.


Whether you have a damaged tooth due to decay, injury, or a cracked tooth or require a crown for a dental implant, Hopkins Family Dentistry is here to assist you. We understand that each dental crown restoration is unique, and we are dedicated to guiding you through the available options.

Our goal is to provide comprehensive care for all your dental needs in one convenient location. For an accurate answer to the question, “How long will my dental crown last” schedule a consultation with Hopkins Family Dental today. 

Call 9529352121 or email us at office@familydentistryhopkins.com. 


  • How often should I replace my crown?

While numerous factors contribute to the lifespan of your dental crowns, proper post-care can extend their durability to around 15 years before requiring replacement. To avoid unexpected failure of your dental crowns, we advise replacing them every decade.

  • Can an X-ray show decay under a crown?

The tooth in question might exhibit sensitivity and discomfort, accompanied by noticeable grey or brown discoloration at its base. To confirm the presence of tooth decay beneath a crown, a dental X-ray is necessary.

  • Do I need a root canal after a crown?

The tooth in question might exhibit sensitivity and discomfort, accompanied by noticeable grey or brown discoloration at its base. To confirm the presence of tooth decay beneath a crown, a dental x-ray is necessary.


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